The British Caravanners Club (BCC) is made up of members who operate on a voluntary basis to form a group; this group organises temporary camping events for up to 5 days (a Meet) or up to 28 days (a Temporary Holiday Site) usually with entertainment and activities planned. These events can be held anywhere in the UK, and members are welcome to attend any Meet, whether it’s organised by your own BCC or a different BCC elsewhere in the country.
Upon joining the Club you are automatically assigned to your local BCC based on your home postcode, however, you can change this to whichever BCC you wish to be registered with. Simply contact the Secretary of the District Association you would like to move to, and they will send you an Opting Form to complete.
Special Interest Sections
Sections are voluntary clubs within the Club, and organise extra Meets, social events and activities for their members based around a particular hobby, interest or unit type.
The Club currently has nine Special Interest Sections, with annual fees between £5.00 and £7.00 all offer great value:
Association of Lightweight Campers
Boating Group
British Caravanners’ Club
Canoe-Camping Club
Folk Dance and Song Group
Motor Caravan Section
Walking and Cycling Section
Photographic Group
Trailer Tent and Folding Camper Group
Each Section has its own regular magazine or newsletter with information about forthcoming Meets, Temporary Holiday Sites and events, member letters and useful articles.